How long does shipping take and how does it work?

Due to current supply chain challenges facing the industry, please anticipate delivery to take between 7 - 20 working days depending on your location.

Can I track my order?

Yes. You will receive a tracking order confirmation upon purchase. 

How much does shipping cost?

Great news! Shipping is FREE.

Can I change the shipping address?

If your order has not been shipped, we will be able to change the shipping address for you. Please contact us immediately with the updated shipping address you are requesting and we will notify you as to whether or not we have been able to make the change.

Unfortunately, once an order has been shipped we are unable to change the destination address.

What countries do you ship to?

We currently deliver to Australia and the USA.



What is your moneyback guarantee?

We strive for excellence in our products and service, however if for any reason you are unhappy after your purchase, we will refund you the cost of your purchase less shipping.

Do you have a returns policy?

If you have any issue with a product(s) you have purchased, please get in touch with us via our Contact Us page with a brief description as to the issue and we will be in touch as soon as possible to assist.